Masjid Sound System Design
Masjid sound system design is very important for Masjid. Our team has 15 years experience in Masjids and Mosques Sound System, Audio Visual System Solutions we design and install comprehensive systems that can help bring your ideas into reality.

We understand the dynamics of each project from technical requirements to consistent reliability and always take such circumstances into consideration on every installation.
We use Computer Modelling and Prediction software’s to design your needs according the masjid geometry.
In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful !!!
Allah says in the Quran …The Trumpet will be blown, and so all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth will fall dead, except those whom God wills to exempt (39: 68).
For this ultimate destruction Allah chose SOUND over everything else. This is one extreme aspect of this amazing creation of Allah. There are other Ayaat in the Qur’an that talk about blowing of the trumpet. It is Allah’s mercy that HE has not given the secrets of this ultimate power to mankind.
On the other side when the Quran is recited from the bottoms of the heart in a melodious voice by the Imam, men of steel come to uncontrollable crying. It strikes the heart in a way nothing else does. It is the ultimate food for the human spirit. It is divine music.
One day a little kid recited Suratul Muzzammil to his parents. They had never heard anything like that from a boy of this age. It was simply amazing and cannot be described in words. They knew immediately that their son was blessed by Allah with an amazing voice and the ability to recite Quran in his own unique style. The kid’s father immediately started on the quest to record his recitations. This triggered his interest in sound engineering.
Everything good ALWAYS comes from ALLAH and ALLAH alone !!!
He eventually started installing Masjid sound system design in Masjid. Bad PA system in Masjid is a universal problem and there was no information readily available on the subject. They immediately knew that their prayers have been answered and Allah gave them something unique to work with. We hope and pray HE accepts their work. Ameen.